
Igniting the naval fire set
This breath set helps to ignite the naval centre or the Manipur chakra. It is the seat of determination and will power.
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Sattva Himalayan Meditation
Let us together sending healing ripples to all beings on the planet in these challenging times.
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Nervous system stabilizing breath set.
This breath set contains 5 practices to help calm the nervous system and balance the energy channels running along the spine.
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Classical Surya Namaskar
These are 9 steps in a classical surya namaskar. Besides toning the body, there are many other benefits of Surya Namaskar including improving blood circulation to the different organs, aiding digestion, body detox, regulating blood sugar levels and many others....
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Lung strengthening breath set
These breath practices help to oxygenate the lungs and blood. I'm still trying to figure out technicalities and have inadvertently deleted the last minute of the video. Please excuse the abrupt end, although the practice is complete.
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